Publicly-accessible Emory content may be discovered in Emory's own Google Search Appliance, Google Scholar, as well as the broader context of In addition to searching the contents of a web page, also reads and utilizes structured metadata embedded within web pages and other types of media files.
Note: Google's search index and search results are controlled by Google, using a proprietary algorithm that is subject to frequent change. While Emory's Standard Template websites incorporate best practices for web discovery, individual website managers must also monitor their site's searchability within Google's index.
Discoverable Content:
Publicly accessible web-hosted content such as web pages, news, images, video, and other text documents
Metadata Standards/Schemas Utilized:
- HTML <title> and <meta> tags
- markup
Additional Notes:
Google primarily utilizes values from the HTML <title> and <meta name="description">in its search results display.
Emory's Standard Template v.2 offers options for configuring some SEO settings and also automatically generates structrured markup in its Bio Pages, to enable richer search result options in Google.